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I am extremely grateful to work with incredible people, every single day. I tend to get to know my clients very well, we often spend a lot of time together each week with sessions, and it is always so amazing to learn about all their unique life stories. 


People connection is what HardCORE Fitness is all about. It is what makes us US. It is the banter, the laughter, the enjoyment, the friendships ... and also the tough times. 


Life isn't always easy, but kindness and love can ALWAYS be found.

For any mum that has lost their precious little one, they have often experienced the same postpartum symptoms (such as pelvic floor dysfunction, back/hip pain, ab separation).

I cannot begin to understand this time for them, but the PHYSICAL healing isn't something anyone should have to be left to deal with on their own, and certainly not at an additional cost at such a hard time.


Our 6 week CORE RECOVERY COURSE is at no cost for anyone going through this, it always has been. I know that physical healing is likely far down the list - but I also know how important it is, and if or when they are ready they are welcome. In the privacy of their own home, with or without additional support from me, done completely at their own pace.


I am here, and if I can help even the slightest amount, it is genuine.

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