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THE healthy and active lifestyle kickstarter - 2022!

STARTING MONDAY 6th February 2023! (NZT)

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Join me on this unique 6 week challenge, building healthy habits to leave you feeling full of confidence and living the healthy, active lifestyle you deserve!


NO diets, calorie counting, food restrictions or fads

- REAL, long lasting results

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Balanced, enjoyable and sustainable. â€‹â€‹

  • 3 Workouts per week, including HIT/bootcamp and pilates. 


  • Nutrition guidance, with a focus on HEALTH - nourishing our bodies and understanding the vitamins/minerals our body needs. 


  • Mindset tools and healthy habits to help you manage stress and anxiety. 

"Your videos have changed my life and eased me back in to fitness"

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Join me - on our BRAND NEW APP!


Simple and EASY TO USE! 

Join now

It's YOUR time!

The 6 week challenge to kickstart the effortless healthy and active lifestyle you've always wanted. 

$89 AUD for the 6 weeks

Challenge starts on the 6th February (NZT)

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What's included?!

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3x Workouts per week, including 2x HIT/bootcamp and 1x Pilates/stretch. These are all loaded on to the CHALLENGE course on the app - so very easy to find, just click play! 


The workouts are SHORT - between 20-30mins each. We build up intensity rather than TIME, so we can stay consistent with our training and fit them in to a busy life! Low impact (no jumping) options for everything.


Nutritional Guidance and habits - with a focus on HEALTH. Learn what foods do what - the healing power of food!


No food restrictions, calorie counting or macro tracking, we take a balanced approach where YOU learn how to trust your nutritional choices. Increase your energy, feel full and satisfied... and stop obsessing over food!!


Mindset and STRESS management. This is in my opinion the most important part of this challenge. It is what will change your lifestyle the most.


I include my easy morning routine, the tweaks I have made to set up my day with a focus on lowering cortisol levels (our stress hormone).


Join in on a daily MINDSET/HABIT challenge, including getting your 'happy dose', tension releasing stretches or a mindset task.





Over 18 years experience coaching all different ages and abilities. Certified Pre and Postnatal Coach, specialising in CORE. A registered 'Pelvic Floor Safe Fitness Professional' via Incontinence NZ.


Join the 2022 CHALLENGE on our app now - ready to start on the 6th February (NZT)!


6 week challenge for $89 AUD

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Frequently Asked Questions!

The 6 Week Challenge is shown in AUD, is that correct?


Yes, the app platform does not support NZD so the challenge is shown in Australian dollars. The lower cost of $89 AUD takes in to account the exchange rate and small conversion fee.

At this current exchange rate, the challenge works out at under $20 per week NZD! The fitness component alone is normally $12 per week, plus the additional value of the nutrition education, mindset, morning routine (to lower cortisol) and daily stretching well exceeds the cost! 

Does this challenge include Meal Plans?


Nutrition is a very important part of this challenge. I don't provide meal plans, rather I teach you the tools to trust your own nutrition choices. Create long term habits that you can maintain!

I've tried diets before, how is this different?


This challenge is intended as a kickstarter for your healthy and active lifestyle, by helping you to slowly and effectively change your nutrition habits, your mindset and your daily routines. This challenge focuses on lifestyle changes that are balanced, enjoyable and sustainable. No more diets! 

I'm short on time, is this challenge for me?


Yes! This challenge is particularly beneficial for busy people who are feeling overwhelmed, burnt out or stressed. 

A big focus of this challenge is how to reduce our stress hormone CORTISOL, without having to run away from our life! We also cover nutrition that will boost your energy and mood.

Workout anywhere and anytime that suits YOU!

$89 AUD for 6 weeks!

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