HardCORE Fitness: WHY this is our name!
The very definition of 'Hardcore' is 'highly committed in one's support for or dedication to something' - HardCORE Fitness was started because of my genuine LOVE of fitness, my crazy but infectious love of feeling challenged and my drive to make a real difference in peoples lives.
To me 'hardcore' evokes feelings of STRENGTH, of unbreakable dedication and of genuine effort. Hardcore isn't just about challenging physical limits, it is a mindset and a determination. It feels good to feel strong!!
HardCORE Fitness also runs PRE AND POSTNATAL classes because of my "hard-core in to fitness" background!! Because I wanted to HAVE THE CHOICE of what activities/sports/exercise I continued to do as a mother. To have CONTROL over my body and to continue to FEEL STRONG. I may be a mum, but I am still the same exercise loving girl I was before - I still feel the same rush after a wicked session - I am proud of helping many other mums SAFELY return to their exercise of choice, whether that is crossfit, HIIT, running, sport, yoga, pilates, walking...
Of course HardCORE Fitness is also all about the CORE - this really is the KEY to our success, this is the difference between us and them. 15 years 💪